- (*) Indicates authors contributed equally and listed alphabetically.
- Jorge Garcia Hombrados and Berkay Özcan* 2023. “Age at Marriage and Marital Stability: Causal Evidence from a Legal Reform in China” Review of Economics of the Household. April.
- Thomas Biegert, Berkay Özcan & Magdalena Rossetti-Youlton* 2023. “Household Joblessness in U.S. Metropolitan Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Polarization and the Role of Educational Profiles” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. March.
- Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Kieron Barclay, Joan Costa-i-Font, Mikko Myrskylä & Berkay Özcan* 2022. “Preterm Births and Educational Disadvantage: Heterogeneous Effects across Families and Schools,” Population Studies. June. p1-16.
Giray Cevat Aksoy, Julia Philipp and Berkay Özcan* 2021. “Robots and the Gender Pay Gap in Europe”. European Economic Review. Volume 134. May.
- Signe H. Andersen and Berkay Özcan* 2021. “The Effects of Unemployment on Fertility”, Advances in Life Course Research. Volume 49. September 100401.
- Alison Dunatchik and Berkay Özcan 2020. “Reducing Mommy Penalties with Daddy Quotas”. Journal of European Social Policy. November. 31 (2), 175-191
- Alice Goisis, Berkay Özcan, and Philippe Van Kerm* 2019. Do Children Carry the Weight of Divorce? Demography. 56, pages 785–811.
- Joan Costa-Font, Paola Giuliano and Berkay Özcan* 2018. The Cultural Origin of Saving Behavior. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0202290.
- Elena Mariani, Berkay Özcan and Alice Goisis. 2017. Family Trajectories and Well-being of Children Born to Lone Mothers in the UK. European Journal of Population, 33 (2), 185-215
- Alice Goisis, Berkay Özcan, and Mikko Myrskla. 2017. Decline in the negative association between low birth weight and cognitive ability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 114, no. 1: 84-88.
- Hande Inanc and Berkay Özcan* 2016. Gender, Family and Academic Careers in Turkey. Advances in Life Course Research. (29), 52-65.
- Libertad Gonzalez and Berkay Özcan*. 2013. The Risk of Divorce and Household Saving Behaviour. Journal of Human Resources, Spring, May, Vol. 48, No 2 p.404-434
- Olivier Bargain, Libertad Gonzalez, Claire Keane, and Berkay Özcan*. 2012. Female Labour Supply and Divorce: New Evidence from Ireland. European Economic Review, Vol. 56, Issue 8, November, Pages 1675–1691.
- Berkay Özcan and Richard Breen. 2012. Marital Instability and Female Labor Supply. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 38: 463-481, August.
- Berkay Özcan. 2011. Only the lonely? The Influence of Spouse on the Transition to Self-Employment. Small Business Economics, Vol. 37, Num. 4, 465-492, November.
- Berkay Özcan, Karl Ulrich Mayer and Joerg Luedicke. 2010. The Impact of Unemployment on the Transition to Parenthood. Demographic Research. Vol. 23, Article 29 p.807-846 October.
- Tim F. Liao, and Berkay Özcan. 2013. “Family Forms among First and Second Generation Immigrants in Metropolitan America, 1960-2009” in Immigrant Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Canada, Taiwan, and the United States, edited by Eric Fong, Nora Chiang, and Nancy A. Denton. Routledge advances in sociology. Routledge ISBN 9780415628549 [email me for a copy] Volume 134, May 2021