June 20 – 22: Presentation(s) at the ESPE Conference

Annual Meeting at Bath, UK.

Multiple papers are presented in this conference, check the program.

A Strategic Gift Motive? Evidence from Inheritance Tax Reforms in Europe
By Viola Angelini; University of Groningen
Joan Costa-Font; London School of Economics
Berkay Ozcan; London School of Economics
Presented by: Berkay Ozcan, London School of Economics
Age at Marriage and Marital Stability: Causal Evidence from a Legal Reform in China
By Jorge Garcia Hombrados; London School of Economics
Berkay Ozcan; London School of Economics
 Presented by: Jorge Garcia Hombrados, London School of Economics
The impact of automation on the gender pay gap
By Julia Philipp; London School of Economics;   Cevat Giray Aksoy: EBRD; Berkay Ozcan: London School of Economics
 Presented by: Julia Philipp, London School of Economics